March 8th, 2010 by admin

BYOB Bottle

Bringing Your Own Bottle to dinner?

Follow some easy tips:

  • If you are headed to a new Chicago restaurant, it’s always a good idea to CALL FIRST and ask the restaurant about their corkage fee. I’ve recently walked into a restaurant that claimed to have NO CORKAGE FEES, but the moment they brought the bill, we were charge $15 for “3 Buck Chuck” from Trader Joe’s.
  • For all you white wine drinkers, remember to BRING YOUR BOTTLE CHILLED. Not all restaurants have ice buckets to keep your wine chilled.
  • This last tip was based on an adventure while looking for a BYOB eatery recently. Bring Your Own Wine Glasses. Not all restaurants have wine glasses….believe it! (Anabelle, this is where you jump in and complete the story).

Check out Chicago BYOB Restaurants HERE

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