New Year and New Adventures


Goodbye 2010 and thank you for taking the ashtray with you!  Madrid is finally observing the No Smoking Law in Bars/Restaurants/Clubs as of the 1st.  You have no idea what chain smokers are like until you visit Madrid, but that’s no longer the case….let’s see if this last.  As I write this blog at my remote office, a bar down the block from my home, I never noticed the red walls.  This place always had a thick dense layer of smoke, interesting to see the color of the walls and antique portrait that hang so gracefully.  I wonder if the people will look different now that I can see clearly.

I’m keeping my New Year’s Resolution list simple and focused.   Like most of my Twitter wine peeps, I’m looking forward to more wine travels and blogging consistently on my adventures.  Video has always been something I’ve enjoyed and that’s my intention for 2011, upload at least one a month….wish me luck.

On the wine front, I’m starting off the year by doing it up in Ribera del Duero, can’t wait to find new wines in the region, this I’ll make sure to document in video form.  I’m venturing out of my comfort zone and trying new wines that I normally wouldn’t try, even those that have crusty labels and cry out, “don’t drink me!” written all over it.  The things I do for love – I’m ready!

Here’s to a Fabulous 2011 that awaits us!

January 2nd, 2011 by